• Suite #3. Pine Medical Centre, 3rd Avenue Belleville. St Michael, Barbados
(246) 427 5863

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Cosmetic Dermatology

Inclusive of laser treatment for hair removal, vein removal, anti-aging and various other dermatological procedures. Minimally invasive procedures and minor surgery are also performed at SKINDEEP.

Skin Care

Skin Care is essential in avoiding serious skin conditions that may lead to cancer. If you have concerns about your skin care regimen, call our office and schedule a consultation with the Dermatologist.

Medical Dermatology

Specializing in conditions related to the skin, hair, and nails. It is important to see a dermatologist to ensure that diseases are treated correctly and efficiently to avoid serious medical complications, such as the spreading of cancer and contagion.

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Dr. Andrew LeRoy Forde

A dermatologist based in Barbados with 28 years experience in his field. He practices general dermatology and has an interest in Aesthetic Dermatology. Dr. Forde graduated from the University of the West Indies (UWI) in 1988 with First Class Honours in Biology and Chemistry.

In 1993 he completed his MB.,BS from the UWI and the Diploma in Dermatology from the University of London in 1997. Dr. Forde became an International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology in 2002 and is a former Commonwealth Scholarship recipient.

Our Services

Laser Skin TighteningGentleYAG Suggested Patient Instructions for Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Tightening
The GentleYag laser is the safest and most versatile laser used in all skin types.PRETREATMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Avoid the sun 1-2
"Moles" or DPNs, skin tags, naevi, Genital Warts, keloids on the ears, excision of cysts, removal of eccrine hidrocystomas and
A form of light therapy utilising a light sensitive chemical called ALA. It is used to treat acne, photoaged skin
An electrical method of cutting, coagulating and destroying tissue. It is also used to control bleeding vessels
A scraping method of removing skin growths and some forms of skin cancer
Liquid nitrogen is used to treat precancers called solar ketatoses, superficial basal cell cancers and brown spots called lentigines